Wheatstone has updated its SystemLink FM MPX over IP transporter. It now includes Reliable Internet Stream Transport, or RIST, connectivity.
The company, which will exhibit in the West Hall at the NAB Show, says SystemLink provides robust, secure and reliable transport over any IP link.
“With this, SystemLink can transport FM MPX+HD/DAB reliably and at low latency across IP links of any capacity, whether as uncompressed or via optional μMPX codec,” the manufacturer said.
“RIST adds real-time error correction among other benefits as a relatively new protocol widely adopted by the broadcast industry for transmitting video and audio over the public internet.”
SystemLink is available for Wheatstone audio processors, including its Layers FM audio processor software hosted on a local server or running on cloud data centers.
This FM MPX over IP transporter is compatible with existing STLs and audio processors; it supports μMPX, analog MPX, and MPX over AES.
SystemLink is accessible through an HTML5 browser interface. It comes as a software encoder with a hardware decoder at the transmitter or as a hardware encoder/decoder option. Configured as a software encoder with a SystemLink decoder at the transmitter, SystemLink transports FM MPX + HD/DAB out of the Layers FM audio processor from the cloud data center to the transmitter.
It is a WheatNet IP appliance with SNMP alerting and control. SystemLink passes the MPX and all subcarriers as well as stereo HD or DAB audio aligned with stereo FM.
NAB Show Booth: W1731