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Sirius Details Rollout Cities

Sirius Details Rollout Cities

Sirius Satellite Radio has revealed more information about its gradual launch.
It has added Jackson, Miss., to the planned initial rollout Feb. 14, along with Houston, Phoenix and Denver.
Phase two rollout markets, set for April-May, are Albuquerque, Tulsa, Little Rock and Dallas/Ft. Worth.
By June, Sirius receivers will be available in Indianapolis, Nashville, Tampa and Miami. Sirius will be available nationally by July.
All the chosen markets are in the top 30 for consumer electronics sales and are in relatively spread-out areas where commuters spend about an hour commuting in their cars.
“Sirius is not recycled radio,” said new President/CEO Joe Clayton, in discussing the amount of original programming Sirius is creating for its channels. He also announced a partnership with Court TV. Live trial coverage will air on that channel, which Clayton said was a new format for radio.
