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SIRTI Promotes DAB+

Radio France is not involved in digital radio deployment

SIRTI, the union of independent radio and TV outlets in France, launched its “Appel du 17 juin” (“Call of June 17”) to promote the introduction and extension of DAB+ in France, which began June 20. The slogan is directed toward CSA advisors, manufacturers, operators as well as private and public broadcasters.

“The question of the cost of dissemination is not a justifiable reason for Radio France to block participation in the deployment of DAB+,” said Patrice Gélinet, an advisor to the CSA and president of Radio group. However, the absence of Radio France concerned MP Marcel Rogemont.

“June 20 is the proving point for the future success of the digital terrerestial radio broadcasting,” said Nicolas About, another advisor to the CSA and vice president of Radio group. “And this requires the commitment of public service, and the wide adoption of DAB +.”
