The Federal Communications Commission will soon be back up to full strength with the addition of Meredith Attwell Baker and Mignon Clyburn as commissioners.
Clyburn, a Democrat, is a South Carolina utility commissioner and former newspaper publisher. She’s the daughter of House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C.
Baker is a Republican who until January led NTIA’s DTV converter-box coupon program and was acting head of the agency. She’s the daughter-in-law of former Secretary of State James Baker.
The Senate approved their nominations on Friday.
Baker is fulfilling the unexpired term of former FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, which runs through June 30, 2011. Clyburn gets a full five-year term, taking the seat vacated by former Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate, whose term expired in January.
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski as well as Commissioners Michael Copps and Robert McDowell congratulated Baker and Clyburn, as did Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Rockefeller and Ranking Member Kay Bailey Hutchison.
NAB said in a statement that Baker and Clyburn’s “commitment to public service and their understanding of media-related issues will serve the commission and consumers well.”
During their July 15 nomination hearing, both Baker and Clyburn opposed bringing back the Fairness Doctrine in any form.