ENCO Systems Inc. has released an intelligent ad insertion engine called I2E.
The new hardware and software product works with DADPRO32 digital audio delivery systems and other automation systems.
“Streaming ad insertion technology has suddenly become a much hotter topic with the new AFTRA agreement causing many advertisers to restrict Internet streaming of certain commercials, said Gene Novacek, President of ENCO Systems.
“While we’ve been shipping this technology for some time, it seems that now we should name it and announce it.”
Using a Windows 2000 workstation, users can replace commercials, split Internet streams at will and sync the streaming playlist with the playlist in DADpro32. The I2E also contains software and hardware needed to begin streaming using Windows Media Encoder for those stations not yet streaming.
Complete I2E systems list at $6,995. E-mail to sales@enco.com for more information.
Streaming Ad Insertion From Enco(2)
Streaming Ad Insertion From Enco