Ibiquity President/CEO Robert Struble told RW that HD Radio has been a technical story up to this point; now the radio groups “are saying they will use their collective muscle and ability to speak to our listeners in ways that make sense to them and we’re going to sell some HD Radios. It’s a huge day.”
“The timing is great,” he continued. “2005 is the year we got the infrastructure in place. We’ve got 600 stations on the air – 70 are multicasting, so there’s something to promote now. And there are more radios available now. As we move into ’06 – if ’05 was the year for infrastructure, which it was – next year is going to be the first year we reach out to the consumer.”
Struble: 2006 Is the ‘Year to Reach Out’
Struble: 2006 Is the 'Year to Reach Out'