“When I hear a naysayer urge me to throw in the towel, I chuckle and think that’s like pushing to shut down FMs in 1967. We now know that would have been ludicrous back then, and it’s just as silly now.”
That’s Ibiquity President/CEO Bob Struble, taking to the Internet with a new monthly column in which he promises inside looks at his perspective from HQ in Columbia, Md. That is similar in style to Greater Media’s Peter Smyth, whom Struble mentions as a fellow frequent commenter about the future of radio.
Struble says in short that things are “fantastic” for HD Radio and its proponents, though “there is still a lot to do and we are a long way from clinking champagne glasses. Our industry must keep converting stations, putting quality HD2 and HD3 programming on, and promoting the digital upgrade to our listeners. We can’t stop with dozens of radio SKUs, we need hundreds.”
But, he says, “we all have to recognize that for an industry that has been around almost 100 years, a total upgrade will be a long term proposition.”
Read it here.