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These Cities Would Get IBOC First

These Cities Would Get IBOC First

By the end of this year, Ibiquity hopes to have several stations converted to IBOC in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco and Seattle.
Transmitter partners Harris, BE and Nautel plan to have IBOC-ready gear for sale at NAB2002.
Assuming the system receives FCC approval, the rollout would continue in additional markets, including Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Denver, and Detroit, and will be targeted to coincide with the commercial introduction of IBOC receivers in January 2003.
An Ibiquity executive told RW Online that previous high consumer electronics sales in those markets were a key reason for targeting those areas first. Ibiquity plans to work with its transmitter and receiver manufacturing partners to coordinate availability of equipment in these areas.
“Converting AM and FM radio to digital broadcasting is a priority in our
minds,” said Bob Neil, President/CEO, Cox Radio. “We think IBOC
offers the best method for conversion.”
The company also offered IBOC endorsements from officials of ABC/Disney, Susquehanna Radio, Bonneville International and Beasley Broadcast Group.

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