In a sign of how multi-platform our times have become, Clear Channel’s Total Traffic Network is making sure everyone knows about its TV, radio AND mobile device traffic reporting service in preparation for this weekend’s “Carmageddon II” in the SoCal region.
According to a release, Total Traffic Network will expand its traffic coverage for its 55 area L.A.- area radio and TV clients. It is increasing aerial coverage and adding personnel to its traffic monitoring operations centers. And it is pushing a new subscriber discount for its Sigalert mobile device traffic app.
For those not obsessed with all things L.A., Carmageddon II, starting Friday at 7 p.m. Pacific time, is the end-of-the-world designation affixed to the closing of a stretch of the 405 freeway in the Los Angeles area. The reason is that as part of a construction project a major bridge is going to be demolished. Los Angelenos consider the shutting down of a major artery to be akin to End Times, if only temporary.
The first Carmageddon, in July, was something of a Comet Kahoutek event.