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Upcoming Events(7)

27–29 April 2008: 2008 AES Latinamerican Conference, Mexico City, Mexico1–3 May 2008: IAAIS 2008, Raleigh, North Carolina14–16 May 2008: Cinema, Flash & Sound, Tashkent, Uzbekistan17–20 May 2008: 124th AES Convention, Amsterdam, Netherlands20–22 May 2008: CeBIT Australia, Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia21–23 May

27–29 April 2008:2008 AES Latinamerican Conference, Mexico City, Mexico

1–3 May 2008:IAAIS 2008, Raleigh, North Carolina

14–16 May 2008:Cinema, Flash & Sound, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

17–20 May 2008:124th AES Convention, Amsterdam, Netherlands

20–22 May 2008:CeBIT Australia, Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia

21–23 May 2008:TRK-24, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russia

23–25 May 2008:GeorgiaTel, Tbilisi, Georgia

26–28 May 2008:Congresso Mineiro de Radiodifusão, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

27–28 May 2008:AMS (Asia Media Summit) , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

27–30 May 2008:KITEL 2008, Almaty, Kazakhstan

28–31 May 2008:KOBA, Seoul, South Korea

30 May 2008:India Radio Forum, Mumbai, India

2–4 June 2008:Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Bonn, Germany

5–7 June 2008:PALM India Expo / FM Radio Expo, Goregaon (East), Mumbai, India

5–7 June 2008:33rd International AES Conference: Audio Forensics—Theory and Practice, Denver, Colorado

11–12 June 2008:Digital Radio Show, London, England

16–17 June 2008:RDS Forum Meeting, Glion sur Montreux, Switzerland

16–18 June 2008:RadioAsia 2008, Singapore

17–20 June 2008:BroadcastAsia2008, Singapore

17–20 June 2008:WIS/Expo Comm Korea 2008, Seoul, South Korea

24–26 June 2008:European Spectrum Management Conference, Brussels, Belgium

29 June–4 July 2008:Acoustics’08 Paris 155th ASA Meeting / 5th Forum Acusticum / 9ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Paris, France

30 June–2 July 2008:Radio Festival, Glasgow, Scotland

1–2 July 2008:RadioTV Forum, Rome, Italy

5–6 July 2008:EBU General Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey

8 July 2008:WBU Secretaries General Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey

14–17 July 2008:AMIC Annual Conference, Manila, Philippines
