VuHaus now offers “Song of the Day,” a free website video feature available to CPB-qualified non-commercial radio and TV stations.

As Radio World has reported, VuHaus is a “music discovery” video platform for public radio that launched recently. It will select and update daily music videos from some of the country’s new artists. Content is produced by a network of public music radio stations and is delivered via an embeddable player.
“By using ‘Song of the Day,’ stations will be able to play a curatorial role in the music discovery space, allowing them to serve new and younger music fans in their communities,” said Erik Langner, president of VuHaus, in the announcement.
Several stations have committed to carry the “Song of the Day” website feature including KOPB(FM) in Portland, KUT(FM) in Austin, New Hampshire Public Radio, Alabama Public Radio, KNBA(FM) in Anchorage, and the new The Colorado Sound in Ft. Collins. VuHaus quoted KNBA Program Director Loren Dixon saying the feature will help the station generate interest among younger 18–34 listeners.
VuHaus and its stations will live stream from the SXSW Radio Day Stage on Friday, March 18. The six-hour live webcast will be free to “Song of the Day” station affiliates.