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WBA Sponsors Legislative Day in January

Event in conjunction with Winter Conference Broadcasters in Madison, Jan. 22

The Wisconsin Broadcasters Association will hold its annual Winter Conference and Legislative Day on Jan. 22 at the Madison Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wis.

Registration opens at 8 a.m., accompanied by a continental breakfast and followed by a job fair to be held from 8:30–10:30 a.m.

The first session of the day will start at 10:45 a.m. with an Equal Employment Opportunity session about “Hiring Smart for Broadcasters: Legal Issues in Hiring and Effective Strategies to Promote Equal Employment Opportunity and Prevent Unlawful Discrimination.”

Next, the association will hold a business luncheon from noon to 1:15 p.m., featuring guest speaker Steven Bartlett, public relations director of the Badger Honor Flight Chapter. Gov. Scott Walker is also invited to attend.

Following the luncheon will be a legislative session with speakers Michelle Vetterkind, WBA president and CEO; Roger Utnehmer, WBA state legislative chair; and Brandon Scholz, partner at The Capitol Group.

The session will be followed by legislative calls on senators and representatives at the State Capitol, and the day will end with a legislative reception at the Ovations at the Concourse.

Please note the WBA will not refund any cancellations made after Jan. 10, 2014.

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