Does Greater Media’s WCSX(FM) in Detroit know its audience? If not, they may have some explaining to do with a new app, WCSX Deer Hunter. But if they do, maybe it’s marketing genius.
WCSX Program Director Jerry Tarrants explained, “Hunting is a part of Michigan’s heritage and we wanted to give our listeners who hunt a free, fun game to play while at deer camp.”
In addition, noting some customization of the app, he said, “We’re also excited to give players a chance to see how their scores stack up against the WCSX personalities.” The app also can stream WCSX’s feed. It even has its own website.
Tarrants added, “WCSX is already working on several new game ideas based on activities our listeners have told us they enjoy.”
The free app has sponsors, clothing makers Carhartt and Real Tree Xtra Camo. It is available at the iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store.