Don Cole of Moody Bible Institute is the latest recipient of the National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame Award. He has hosted the program “Open Line” for more than 20 years.
Other recipients of media awards at the NRB’s recent convention in Dallas:
NRB’s Talk Station of the year is WFIL(FM) in Philadelphia. Its Music Station of the year is WMIT(FM) of Black Mountain, N.C. The Best Radio News Format was given to Salem Radio News; the Best Radio Teaching Program was awarded to “Turning Point” featuring Dr. David Jeremiah.
The Best Radio Talk Show was given to “Focus on The Family” with Dr. James Dobson.
Individual Achievement in International Broadcasting was given to Dr. Billy Kim, president of Far East Broadcasting Company in South Korea; the International Ministry Award to the Radio CCFm in Cape Town, South Africa.
The William Ward Ayer Distinguished Service Award was given to the late Jon Campbell for his work with Ambassador Advertising Agency and the NRB.
“Ayer was instrumental in the formation of the NRB and drafted the Code of Ethics that formed the basis of evangelical response to the radio networks’ threat against religious broadcasting in the 1940s,” NRB stated.
The association gave its Board of Directors Award to Vonette Bright, wife of the late Dr. William R. Bright and co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. She is chairperson of The Bright Media Foundation.
Milestone Awards went to Cliff Barrows, Ruth Luttrell and Dr. William J. Roberts.
WFIL, WMIT Are Among NRB Honors
WFIL, WMIT Are Among NRB Honors