From Radio World’s “Who’s Buying What” page:
WFUV(FM), Fordham University’s public station in New York, is conducting a major rebuild under Director of Technical Operations George Evans.
SCMS said it has received a “significant” order from the station for RF, studio and test equipment. Terms were not disclosed.
Northeastern Sales Manager Jim Peck said the equipment package includes products from ADC, Andrew, Audio Precision, ATI, CBT Systems, Comrex, Denon, Digidesign/ProTools, Dixon, ElectroVoice, ESE, Gepco, HHB, McCurdy Radio, Neumann, nVision, Sony, Symetrix, Tektronix, Telos Systems and others.
SCMS will also be supplying computer and IT-related equipment. Financial details were not disclosed.
WFUV Orders Gear Package From SCMS
WFUV Orders Gear Package From SCMS