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What Exactly Is a ‘DSX4r’?

NAB Labs presents workshop on radio relevance in these changing times

The overarching theme for many of the NAB Show’s radio-oriented workshops is, not surprisingly, how to inspire audiences to stay tuned in.

However, the Digital Strategies Exchange for Radio, or DSX4r, distinguishes itself by focusing specifically on digital media and how various platforms can serve to extend a broadcaster’s brand and raise revenue.

The day-and-a-half-long session will devote particular attention to mobile technology; digital media’s newest and most hotly debated mode of expansion. According to the NAB Radio TechCheck newsletter, some of digital media’s industry pioneers will offer application-oriented training and advice on not only what practices to include, but also what to avoid.

NAB Radio TechCheck further reports that session topics will include streaming audio and video, podcasting, mobile apps, social media, personalized radio, successful RDS and HD Radio applications, adapting to new receiver environments (fixed, mobile, and handheld) and “hybrid radio” (combining on-air and online services in a convergent device).

This workshop will touch on cost/benefit analysis, early ROI and staff workload impact.

DSX4r begins in rooms N232/234 of the Las Vegas Convention Center at 2:30 p.m., April 17, followed by a networking reception at 5:30 p.m. The workshop continues from 9 a.m.–5:15 p.m. April 18.
