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Wheatstone Launches New Global Distribution Network

Swiss-based Media Engineering will be the first to distribute the VoxPro under new program

Wheatstone has announced the development of a new worldwide distribution network for the VoxPro digital audio editor, which it acquired through the

purchase of Audion Labs in early October.

Media Engineering, located in Weiningen, Switzerland, will be the first to distribute and support the PC-based software program under the new network, says the firm.

VoxPro is a PC-based software program with a control panel surface that provides one-touch recording and features an “easy-to-use” jog wheel and scrub keys for quick editing, explains Wheatstone. It digitally records and edits on two tracks, and imports and exports most file formats (M4A, MP3, MP2, WAV, AIFF and WMA) individually or in groups.

“We’ve received an overwhelmingly positive response to Wheatstone’s acquisition of VoxPro. Inquiries are coming in from all over the globe, and we are looking forward to working with the existing VoxPro dealers and expanding our offerings to our established Wheatstone distribution network,” said Wheatstone Director of Sales Jay Tyler.

VoxPro can be integrated into the WheatNet-IP audio network environment for online sharing, editing and archiving of audio.

Related: Wheatstone Acquires Audion Labs and VoxPro

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