Tom Wheeler is looking forward to becoming the next chairman of the FCC.
He said in a statement released late Tuesday evening he looks forward to taking the oath of office in the coming days.
Wheeler was gracious about the tenure of commissioner Mignon Clyburn as acting chairwoman of the commission, noting that for six months, she’s led the agency “with dedication and vision.”
“We all owe Chairwoman Clyburn a huge thank you,” stated Wheeler. “The chairwoman, along with Commissioners Rosenworcel and Pai and the FCC staff dealt with important issues that kept policy and the country moving forward.”
Wheeler congratulated Michael O’Rielly for his Senate confirmation and said they would both be joining a dynamic and dedicated team at the FCC. “What excites me about this new responsibility is how we are at a hinge moment of history; the Internet is the greatest communications revolution in the last 150 years. We must all dedicate ourselves to encouraging its growth, expanding what it enables, and assuring its users’ rights are respected.”