In a profile for CR News, Director Baptist John Mutesasira of Dodoma FM 98.4, a private radio station in Tanzania, describes how the station has grown to what he describes as a “leading broadcasting station in central Tanzania.”
One of things that makes Dodoma FM 98.4 different from its competitors, however, is that it is reportedly management team is made up of 80 percent women.
Mutesasira points to the United Nations’ goal of furthering women empowerment and gender equality as a key motivator for being a largely female-run radio station.
“Dodoma FM advocates for peace, social and environmental justice through independent media and programming, which is neglected by mainstream,” said Mutesasira. “Our station embraces diversity, tolerance of others’ opinions and freedom of expression.
Dodoma FM 98.4 reaches an average listenership of more than 70,000 per program, according to the profile, a total they hope to increase to 100,000 by June 2016.