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Women Use Radio Throughout the Day

Women Use Radio Throughout the Day

Radio reaches substantially more working women than television in all major weekday dayparts except TV’s primetime, according to a new study by Interep Research.

“All About Women” from Interep profiles U.S. women and their media usage patterns.

From 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., radio reaches more working women than television, including the important “what’s for dinner” p.m. drivetime, according to the report.

According to the report, nine out of every 10 women identify themselves as the primary shopper for their household – making them one of advertiser’s most-important targets.

With 75 percent of women 25 to 54 working full or part time, Interep said that women continue to play a dominant role in shaping consumer and media behavior.

Working women tend to be heavy users of both radio and magazines, according to the report. Working women with heavy demands on their time use radio more than other media – 16 percent are more likely to be heavy radio users than the average adult, according to the report.

Laura Dely
