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WRN to Be Heard on DAB+ in Malta

This is called the first national DAB+ rollout in Europe.

A Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting Network will broadcast WRN programming on DAB+ to the Maltese islands in what is described as the first national rollout of DAB+ in Europe.

WRN said it is working with Digi B Network Ltd., the company licensed by the Malta Communications Authority to operate the T-DAB network.

WRN broadcasts news and current affairs radio networks in several languages. The networks are made up of content aggregated from international public service broadcasters and program providers including National Public Radio, UN Radio and Voice of Russia. The Digi B Network includes WRN Europe in its lineup and launched in July.

DAB+ is a variant of the Digital Audio Broadcasting standard that proponents say allows more stations to be delivered at better audio quality.

“Malta is the first European country to commercially roll out a DAB+ Network. The country, who did not adopt the DAB standard, is in prime position to take on the much improved technology of DAB+, ahead of both the UK. and Germany,” WRN and Digi B stated in the announcement.

WRN is headquartered in London; WRN Europe is one of its 24/7 news and current affairs channels that allow international broadcasters to place programming and be heard through its international rebroadcaster network.

Digi B Network won the T-DAB license following an application and auction process.

Malta is in the Mediterranean and consists of several islands.
