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Entercom Has 110 Sage Boxes on Order

Dealer is SCMS

Entercom is one of the five largest U.S. radio broadcasters and has a presence in 23 markets. Where does the company stand in its EAS CAP compliance rollout?

Corporate Engineer John Price says Entercom has ordered 110 Sage Digital Endecs from dealer SCMS for its 113 radio stations. Its local engineers will be installing the gear once it arrives, which should be soon.

(Separately, SCMS tells me it expects to have EAS gear backorders cleared out in the next 30 days because the gear manufacturers have ramped up production.)

Price, based in Seattle, has been with Entercom since mid-1992, so he knows his way around; but he’s well supported locally should any questions pop up.

“Here in Washington State we are fortunate to have the Washington State EAS listserver,” he told me.

“Some of the notables on the list are Harold Price of Sage; Don Miller, the telecommunications/warning systems manager for the state of Washington; and EAS veteran Clay Freinwald. Harold drops in often to answer any Endec technical issues. Don practically wrote CAP and has made numerous presentations to online audiences on the subject. Clay is chair of the SECC for Washington State and can stand up and talk EAS without notes for hours.”

Washington state and Don Miller purchased one unit for Entercom’s Portland, Ore., station KGON(FM), an LP station for the Southwest Washington operational area. Portland is across the Columbia River from Vancouver, Wash.

Other notable recent deals are listed at the end of my post yesterday.

Sorry. No data so far.
