Ed Trombley passed along a thank you via Radio World for his recent award from the Michigan Association of Broadcasters.
“To my fellow broadcast engineers! Thank you, Michigan Association of Broadcasters, for picking me out of the many who were nominated. It is indeed an honor to receive this award. I also want to thank the many clients of Munn-Reese Inc. If it was not for you, the station engineers that called upon me for help or advice, and you, the station owners who asked the ‘what if’ questions, I would never have been able to help design or build the major projects that warrant such an award. Thank you for inviting me in to crank the knobs, bridge the common point, tweak, un-tweak, fix your monitor points or make them totally disappear. As always, ‘Thanks for shopping at Munn-Reese Inc.'”
He signed it “Engineeringly Yours! Ed Trombley.”
We haven’t met Ed, but with a mustache like that we suspect he’s also a fun guy.