RCS has a new traffic system called Aquira and it said Australian radio group Austereo has chosen the system.
The supplier promotes Aquira as suitable for both local and national-sized radio businesses. “With its modern user interface, Aquira provides real-time access to sales and inventory data,” it stated. “From a single database Aquira users can schedule, bill, report and manage their entire enterprise. No longer are multiple software packages with multiple hardware configurations needed to earn and manage revenue.”
The scalable platform supports single station to multi-station or multi-location broadcast groups centrally. The database lets the user manage scheduling and billing of advertising orders across multiple stations via one location. “Contracts are handled seamlessly from order entry through to single or multi-invoice billing.”
Log management tools allow the user to open multiple logs at the same time and drag and drop spots from one day to the other. “You can key in a weekly or monthly spot line for each contract. With multiple stations having their own accessibility to one database, you can move from one window to another without the fear of losing your work.”
More about the system’s features is here.