Broadcast Electronics said it will host the first public demo of four audio program channels over HD Radio, plus a closed captioning radio service for the hearing impaired. The latter is designed by NPR Labs and runs on the part of the Advanced Application Services data stream.
BE said it is presenting the demo in partnership with Ibiquity and with participation by NPR.
“The demonstration is representative of how stations might broadcast multiple services over HD Radio,” the company stated. “A news/talk main channel along with two HD2 channels of music and yet another HD2 channel of reading services for the visually impaired are broadcast simultaneously on a single HD Radio carrier.”
A separate data channel illustrates closed captioning of the news/talk program for the hearing impaired.
Booth: N-1808.
BE to Show Four-Channel Digital Signal With Closed Captioning
BE to Show Four-Channel Digital Signal With Closed Captioning