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Burli Slates Vegas Debut for Version 202

Burli is showing version 202 of its newsroom computer system, which includes expanded tools for the news production process.

Burli is showing version 202 of its newsroom computer system, which includes expanded tools for the news production process.

Integrated text and audio tools have been updated to include support for additional audio formats, instant expletive editing, additional spell-checking languages and more un-delete functions in shared folders.

The company says version 202’s on-air prompter improves control and ease of use in the studio. Features include live audition of audio during broadcast, greater visual customization and expanded in-place control of studio hardware from within the prompter.

Burli’s podcasting feature now offers enhanced iTunes and image support. Data export/distribution to new media platforms including mobile phones and Web sites also has been expanded, and the system now generates both RSS and NewsML data feeds automatically.

Data redundancy also has been expanded to included seamless, multi-tier cascading server redundancy allowing multiple simultaneous on-site and off-site servers and smooth transitions between them even during live broadcast.

Booth: N6028
