Radio World’s Buyer’s Guide section this month focuses on consoles and mixers.
Faders fly during “The Toucher & Rich Show” that airs mornings on Beasley’s WBZ(FM), “98.5 The Sports Hub,” flagship station for the Boston Bruins, New England Patriots, Boston Celtics and Revolution teams.
Two Wheatstone LXE console surfaces, one in the talk studio and another in a control studio, sync fader moves for the six mic positions in the talk studio.

Shown is host Fred Toucher at the controls of the WheatNet-IP audio networked LXE. Studios are fast-paced, with contributor feeds coming in and network feeds going out. The Sports Hub has custom touchscreens above LXE consoles for quick network sends to the Westwood One syndication headend along with the correct automation tones and triggers.
“When they hit the Patriot button, that gives them control of those triggers and that particular delay as well as talkback in certain places in the talk studio and control rooms, depending on which network they’re talking with,” said Dennis Knudsen, Beasley Boston director of engineering, who did the routing backend scripting for Beasley Boston’s four music stations and enlisted the help of Chris Penny with Agile Broadcasting to script routing for the WBZ 98.5 network end.
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LXE console surfaces have automated mix-minus and associated connections so that the right mix-minus, codec return feed and GPIO logic follow sources during live commentary, play-by-plays or for other incoming feeds.
Toucher and Rich are Fred Toettcher and Rich Shertenlieb. In addition to station syndication of Bruins, Patriots and Celtics games, The Sports Hub syndicates “Toucher & Rich” nationwide as its number-one show dominating Boston ratings for male and adult audiences 25 to 54.