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Cool Stuff: M4DDC HD Radio Diversity Delay Control

DaySequerra solves a ‘nagging, real-world problem’

This week we’re highlighting winners of the Radio World “Cool Stuff” Award:

DaySequerra’s M4DDC maintains time alignment of the HD Radio main program signal (MPS) analog and HD-1 digital audio automatically. The company says this unique product solves a “nagging, real-world” problem.

“After initial alignment, Ethernet timing, changes in audio processing and synchronization issues can cause drift or sudden shifts in a previously perfectly aligned HD Radio installation,” it states. The 1 RU box features an algorithm, TimeLock, to maintain that alignment, with promised accuracy to one sample.

The controller will send email alerts for loss of TimeLock, LevelLock (optional), program audio, carrier or OFDM HD Radio lock. There are five alarm tallies on the rear. A Web server is built in. Optional Eclipse Level Control is available to maintain average audio loudness differences between the HD Radio main program signal (MPS) and HD-1 digital audio to less than 2 dB. Lookahead gain correction makes adjustments that are described as transparent to the listener.

