EAS equipment manufacturer Digital Alert Systems offers a product that is of topical interest this time of year.
Bad weather socking large parts of the country is a reminder that EAS systems need to be kept up to date, upgraded when possible and kept in working order.
But many broadcasters, eyeing budget lines, aren’t keen on buying a lot of full-featured equipment for operations that don’t require as much.
The DASDEC-II platform is an EAS hub designed for radio/TV or emergency center operations; it is essentially an IP slave. The IR (Intelligent Remote) interfaces with a command DASDEC-II; up to five can be commanded by a single unit. It contains many of the features of the DASDEC-II yet can also operate as an independent EAS decoder if it loses its connection to the hub.
Recent upgrades to the platform include replacing the hard drive with solid-state flash memory, a faster processor, improvements to the Linux onboard operating system and increased security. Options available for the DASDEC-IR include EAS-NET software and a receiver module for monitoring purposes.