In an effort to increase live-assist functionality within music station formats on-air workflows, ENCO has announced the Multi-Play Presenter, a new part of the DAD radio automation software suite. Multi-Play Presenter enables more intuitive console integration and seamless manipulation of audio assets, says the firm.
By integrating live-assist with Multi-Play Presenter, operators can see what is playing during segues, making the layering of audio easier. The Multi-Play Presenter simplifies how operators air music segues with multiple shotgun liners, or mix music beds with multiple voiceovers, explains the company. Operators can also play elements out of order without rearranging the playlist.
According to ENCO, the new Multi-Play Presenter was designed off input from music stations seeking more control and flexibility in their on-air interface.
IBC stand: 8.A45
sInfo: www.enco.com