The Telos Alliance’s processor maker Omnia is bringing key updates to its flagship broadcast audio processors, the Omnia.9 and Omnia.11, at IBC 2018, the company says.
The Omnia.11 v3.5 update includes the new “Pepino” clipper — the latest FM final clipper design from Frank Foti, who designed it to complement the Omnia.11’s G-Force dynamics engine. Omnia explains that through research into the peak limiting mechanism and how distortion is created, the Pepino clipper system suppresses both harmonic and intermodulation distortion as the clipping function is realized. This is applied over the entire audio spectrum, and the result is cleaner audio overall, yet without any compromise to the desired competitive loudness level.
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New Omnia.9 v3.18.99 is a major update, making the .9 sound better than ever. New features include a major system rewrite to the audio engine, introducing a new lower-latency clipper; a new streaming engine; an integrated stream server; phase correction with mono bass; expanded SNMP features; shared processing path for AM+HD units; improved BS.412 MPX power limiter; and seamless preset switching. The update enables optional µMPX encoding, which offers full composite MPX over a 320 kbps pipe, as well as optional Livewire+ AES67 for even more flexible I/O.
IBC Stand: 8.D47