The Society of Broadcast Engineers certification exam prep software, SBE CertPreview, has been upgraded.
Available for Windows and Mac platforms, the upgrades include more than 100 sample questions for each certification category.
SBE President Vinny Lopez said: “The SBE CertPreview is the only application SBE offers that provides a real representation of the certification exam content. SBE has the opportunity with the new SBE CertPreview to update questions and content on a real time basis, providing the user the most up-to-date information they need for the exams.”
CertPreview covers SBE Certification exams for Certified Broadcast Technologist (CBT) Radio; Certified Broadcast Technologist (CBT) TV; Certified Broadcast Networking Technologist (CBNT); Certified Audio Engineer (CEA); Certified Video Engineer (CEV); Certified Broadcast Radio Engineer (CBRE); Certified Broadcast Television Engineer (CBTE); Certified Senior Radio Engineer (CSRE); Certified Senior Television Engineer (CSTE); AM Directional Specialist (AMD); 8-VSB Specialist (8-VSB) and Digital Radio Broadcast Specialist (DRB).
The software can be downloaded from the SBE Web site for $29 or purchased in a CD for $36 (includes shipping).
Certification Corner, a recurring series in Radio World Engineering Extra