Wheatstone is releasing a new version of its ScreenBuilder GUI/scripting tool for WheatNet networks.
ScreenBuilder offers faders, buttons, timers and other widgets that can be configured via scripting for triggering events or for monitoring and controlling elements in the WheatNet-IP network. Its scripting capabilities range from basic commands for adjusting levels and turning mics on or off, to more complex routines such as determining the source connected to a fader and then displaying the name of that source on the screen, according to Wheatstone.
Wheatstone Director of Sales Jay Tyler said, “We’re continually amazed at the types of controls and interfaces our customers are developing with this. It started with simple virtual mixers and now we’re seeing a variety of virtual screens and controls in the rack room, in the newsroom — anywhere there’s a network connection.”
NAB Show Booth: N6806
Info: www.wheatstone.com