At this point, we shouldn’t be surprised, but another survey seems to confirm the growing importance of smart speakers to radio’s future listenership in the home. But a NuVoodoo Media Services study adds a new twist — suggesting that likely PPM respondents may be ahead of the curve when it comes to smart speaker ownership.
The latest NuVoodoo Ratings Prospects Study of 3,041 respondents, ages 14–54, across all PPM markets suggests that there has been a sharp rise in smart speaker ownership since the previous NuVoodoo Ratings Prospects Study in August 2017 and this latest study fielded in late January 2018. In this most recent study, one-third of respondents now report they have a smart speaker at home — up from less than a quarter in the previous study. NuVoodoo further found that 48% of likely PPM participants now own a smart speaker.

Carolyn Gilbert, president and chief executive officer, NuVoodoo Media Services, said: “When we model through the research respondents most likely to say ‘yes’ to a meter offer from Nielsen, we routinely see respondents who are more interested and more engaged with radio and other media. In this case, we see significantly higher smart speaker ownership among those likely to accept a meter or a diary — nearly half. As we see it, the numbers are too big to ignore. If radio stations don’t have a strategy for smart speakers, they risk being left out as people become habituated to what they ask their smart speakers to do for them.”
Twice a year, the NuVoodoo Ratings Prospects Study is conducted to learn more about those who are most likely to say “yes” to the opportunity to wear a meter in order to provide NuVoodoo clients with insights and advantages that they may be able to exploit in order to capture higher ratings. This is the 11th Ratings Prospects Study that NuVoodoo has completed since 2011.