At IBC2013 Transradio is unveiling a redefined version of its DMOD3 DRM exciter, which now integrates a DRM audio/multimedia encoder and multiplex generator based on Fraunhofer’s DRM ContentServer R5 technology.
From a cost-effective starter solution to a full-featured professional DRM setup with complete automation, the system is scalable to each customer’s needs and can be upgraded at any time to keep up with growing requirements, says the company.
The integration of the DRM ContentServer technology into Transradio’s DRM DMOD3 completes the established exciter features, such as automatic initial equalizer adjustment for easy installation, the automatic measurement point selection, dynamic pre-correction during DRM operation and very short mode change times. The technology promises best on-air signal and minimized interruptions, explains Transradio.
The Transradio DRM DMOD3, which offers a unique combination of exclusive operational benefits, robustness and easy functioning, is in use in various DRM transmitter installations worldwide, the company says.
IBC stand: 8.D35
Info: www.transradio.de