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All India Radio Expands Reach Into Neighboring Countries via DRM

Two of the 31 transmitters are carrying pure digital services, with the remaining transmitters working in simulcast mode

NEW DELHI�All India Radio, the public service broadcaster, has a network of 145 MW transmitters that covers about 98% of the population of 1.3 billion people on the sub-continent.�

Thirty-five of these MW transmitters have recently been replaced with DRM transmitters; 31 of these transmitters are already carrying digital services. The remaining four transmitters are also expected to be commissioned into regular service very shortly. (You can read all about Nautel�s involvement with All India Radiohere.)

Two of the 31 transmitters are carrying pure digital services, with the remaining transmitters working in simulcast mode. The service or program which each of these transmitters was carrying before the DRM replacement continues� in analog mode so that existing radio listeners, who have not yet acquired DRM receivers, are not deprived of their favorite� service. In parallel, a popular film-based entertainment channel is being provided in digital mode from each of these transmitters. This entertainment channel was otherwise not available to most of the listeners in the coverage zone of these MW transmitters and not even from analogue FM transmitters.

Recently inparliament, India’s�minister for information and broadcasting informed the house that services from 13 of these MW DRM transmitters are also available in countries bordering India. The carrier power of these 13 transmitters is 4320 kW.

Many listeners in bordering countries will be able to hear AIR programs in digital mode on DRM receivers when the four DRM transmitters, previously mentioned, are commissioned and brought into regular service, according to� AIR services on SW in digital mode in DRM are also available in UK, Europe, East/South East/North East Asia, East Africa/Middle East, Mauritius, Australia and New Zealand.

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