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CSA’s Solicitation for Potential DAB Stations Exceeds 120

Despite a lack of interest from most of the major broadcasters in France, there is a considerable amount of interest from other broadcast enterprises

PARIS�France�s CSA (Conseil sup�rieur de l’audiovisuel) solicited potential DAB+ users in�the cities of Lille, Lyon and Strasbourg on June 1, 2016, and has now published a list of qualified candidates.

Despite a lack of interest from most of the major broadcasters in France, there is a considerable amount of interest from other broadcast enterprises.�� The list of qualified candidates exceeds 120.�

�Having regard to council decision 2016-478 of 1 June 2016 on a call for applications for the edition of multiplexed terrestrial radio broadcast services on a full-time or shared digital basis in band III; Having regard to the files of candidature and the list of candidates, as well as the opinion of the territorial audiovisual committees Dijon, Lille, Lyons and Nancy on the admissibility of applications; after deliberation, decides:The following candidates are declared admissible in the context of the call for applications of 1 June 2016.�

�See the entire list here. �

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