OSLO�Norway�s Media Authority has submitted a report to the Ministry of Culture that says the share of digital listening reached 56% at year�s end. One of the primary conditions that will lead to the �sun-setting� of the FM service there has been that the share of digital listening had to reach 50% by�Jan. 1, of 2015; research conducted by TNS Gallup, commissioned by the Media Authority in Norway, shows that this pre-condition has now been met.
Another major requirement leading up to the end of FM service in Norway has been the availability of DAB+ in cars.�Surveys conducted by the Media Authority show that there is good access to radio receivers for both home and car on the Norwegian market. Parliament is requiring that radio receivers in-home must provide a technological added-value related to functionality, while radios and adapter solutions for cars must be affordable and technologically satisfactory.
The Media Authority�s report shows that there are now 22 national channels available on the DAB+ network, and only 5 for the FM networks. This is supplemented further in some parts of Norway by trial broadcasts of local stations.�
Ultimately, the Government will decide whether the FM sunset conditions are fulfilled, and the decision is scheduled to be taken in the spring of 2015, according to medietilsynet.no.��