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DRM Consortium Anticipates Digital RadioTests in Brazil”s Extended FM Band

DRM Consortium Anticipates Digital RadioTests in Brazil”s Extended FM Band

Sep 18, 2014 2:06 PM, Doug Irwin, CPBE AMD DRB

LONDON�The DRM Consortium is reporting that AESP (S�o Paulo, Brazil”s Broadcasters” Association) is preparing transmission tests in the �extended FM band� (78-87 MHz), the likely band for migration of AM stations. A transmitter and antenna are being set up (on 84.7 MHz) in S�o Paulo. The antenna is a Brazilian prototype and no transmitter has been sourced yet. The intention is to test this frequency in full digital in the near future, and AESP have asked for the DRM Consortium”s support.

The DRM Consortium is delighted to be supporting the transitions, which may offer a chance to digitize radio at the same time.
