LOS ANGELES�Last week,�I contributed an articleto virtual pages of the Digital Radio Update that talked about the concept of �LTE Broadcast��and what it could mean to the broadcasting business. In the meantime, I�ve done some additional research, and I want to share the results.
The information I�m going to share comes directly from Qualcomm, a company name that is recognized by many of you, I�m sure.� I�ve parsed it for this article, but of course you�re free to read the entire thing yourself. Brace yourselves: It�s worse than I thought.�
�LTE Broadcast is the most efficient mechanism to distribute the same content to many users, and is an important solution to address the1000x�data challenge. Initially focusing on venue-casting, LTE Broadcast can address many other media distribution such as software updates and breaking news. The evolution of LTE Broadcast makes it dynamic and more scalable, and in the long term, takes it even beyond mobile as a solution for next generation terrestrial TV.
�Venue casting is the most common use case, but there are many other use cases for efficient distribution via LTE Broadcast: Smartphone OS/software updates, breaking news, delivery of e-media,music/audio broadcasting, and even public safety applications.For all these use cases,LTE Broadcast can offload data from unicast, significantly improve the user experience and create new revenue opportunities for mobile operators.� (Emphasis is mine.) �
�Offload data from unicast� means that, when there is demand, part of the LTE resources can be re-assigned to what�s essentially a single channel, OFDM transmission that can be used by any number of receivers, just like the broadcast model.
If you are really interested, then check this presentationfrom Qualcomm. The take-away from that slideshow are these points:
- � � � ��LTE Broadcast provides an efficient delivery method to a large number of users
- � � � ��Existing LTE spectrum is re-purposed, dynamically, for broadcast, depending upon the demand
- � � � ��Superior performance can be obtained from high data throughput
- � � � ��All done via a cost-effective upgrade to existing LTE networks
Of course, this is from a Qualcomm sales piece, and you have to take any sales piece with a grain of salt, right?� These are the same people that brought you MediaFlo, after all.� Still, Qualcomm ranks up there with the most successful technology companies.� Clearly they know what they are doing technically; whether the powers-that-be in the big four carriers stateside pay attention is another matter. �