Live365 is an Internet radio broadcasting and listening network that allowed users create online radio stations, or, as listeners, to choose from thousands of curated stations created by people from around the globe. �It was founded in 1999.�

Back on Jan. 15, this posting appeared on the New York Radio Message Board, attributed to �DanM�:
Live365 made it official tonight in an e-mail to its broadcasters. Quoting:
The CRB ruling handed down in December, 2015 did NOT renew or address the expiration of the small webcaster percentage of revenue plans. �At this time there is no small webcaster options except for full CRB rates.
Live365’s long time investors have stopped funding us. As a result, we are no longer able to sustain our service.
We are sad that we are closing our doors at the end of this month. There are always possibilities that we can come back in one form or another, but at this point in time, Jan. 31, 2016 is the last day that Live365’s streaming servers and website will be maintained and supported.
This is a surprise to us as it is to all of you. We are proud that Live365 was a pioneer in the streaming music business and have provided a platform to hundreds of thousands of broadcasters to have a voice over the years.
Unfortunately, we have to say good bye.