LOS ANGELES��From time to time, we turn JacoBLOG over to an outside contributor to tell us a story about their view of the business,� writes Fred Jacobs, in Jacobsmediablog. In arecent edition,the outside contributor was Jeff Smulyan, Emmis Communication CEO and Founder.�The topic was NextRadio.�Here are Jeff�s 5 things thateveryradio professional should know about NextRadio.
1.���NextRadio is a product for all stations and an industry supported effort.This is not just an Emmis product but a product focused on reinventing radio and creating an agnostic solution that all stations can benefit from. Every radio station in a listener�s area can be tuned to throughNextRadio,and working together we can equally benefit from the value NextRadio brings to our radio listeners.
2.����NextRadio is essential for emergency situations.The availability of NextRadio through an active FM chip in smartphones allows the public much-needed information in the event of an emergency. Data indicates that during an emergency weather situation the number of NextRadio listenersincreases on average more than 2.5 timesand the number of listening sessionsincrease by 4 times.These dramatic increases validate NextRadio as a valuable resource that your listeners tune to in a time of need.
3.����NextRadio can grow radio listening.Our data confirms the average listening session is 20 minutes vs. 10 minutes through traditional radio. We also have seen an increase in daypart listening and interactions which shows people are listening outside the car and home, making radio truly portable.
4.����NextRadio can generate revenue.The key focus is for us to work together to turn NextRadio into a revenue stream for broadcasters. Through a variety of advertising tests enhancing the on-air radio spot with a digital ad on NextRadio, we are proving it works. In fact, we have tests that show click through rates that range from 2.3% to 6% which are11 times+ greaterthan traditional digital mobile ads.
5.����NextRadio provides robust data.One of the best kept secrets about NextRadio is the data it can provide. You will soon be able to see and share plays, listens, views, interactions and a whole lot more. Marketers are all about the data, and you will soon have access to insights you can share with advertisers that validate the effectiveness of their radio buy.