MUNICH�Last week we told you about Media Broadcast�sexpansion of its DAB+ networkacross Germany. This week, we have a few more interesting details, reported

Media Broadcast has made known its �turn-up� schedule for new systems and power increases for others. It expects to make 19 changes/additions this year alone, with three in September and October.
Sept. 1, the transmitter at L�bau (Saxony, 10 kW) will be turned on, followed by Aurich (Lower Saxony, 4 kW) on Oct. 1. On Oct. 20, the turn-up of the new transmitter at Cottbus (Brandenburg, 1 kW) is slated.�
Power increases will happen according to this plan: On Sept. 1 the power of the transmitter at Heilbronn (Baden-W�rttemberg) will go up from 1 to 2 kW.�On Sept. 15 the Hessen Sch�neck and Rimberg channels will increase from 1 to 10 kW.�On Oct. 1, the station Pforzheim-Langenbrand (Baden-W�rttemberg) will be increased from 0.8 to 10 kW.
On Oct. 13 on the mast on theBrocken, the highest mountain in northern Germany, will see a new antenna system put into use, so the reception should be further optimized.�The transmission power remains the same.
Photo�Copyright � 2002 Andreas Tille.�