You don’t have to be in your car anymore to get the latest news from your local radio station. A majority of radio stations are now using Twitter to help reach listeners with the latest news and updates, according to the Radio Television Digital News Association’s latest survey of radio newsrooms.
Fifty-nine percent of radio stations nationwide use Twitter either constantly, daily, or periodically, according to RTDNA. That is nearly nine points up from 2014. The biggest growth comes from small and large market radio stations.
There was an even bigger growth for radio stations in the use of apps. Just under 50% of stations had one or more apps, nearly 15 points up from 2014. The average number of apps per station almost doubled, now at 0.9. Most radio stations still do not have an up, but they are definitely trending upward.
Other findings from RTDNA include radio stations decreasing their purchases of new digital equipment. Seventy-nine percent of stations said they had no plan to buy new digital equipment.