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KUTT/KGMT Depend on Pristine CR-7

Small-market station says automation system “takes a lot of work off our staff”

FAIRBURY, NEB. — KUTT(FM) and KGMT(AM) have been using the Pristine Control Room-7 system in both control rooms and in our main production room for over two years, and it has served us well.

We have a fairly typical small-market operation, and CR-7 takes a lot of work off our staff.

We have our FM using six networks and our AM using five; CR-7 handles all of them easily. We also do live block broadcasting, and with the features that CR-7 has, it makes us sound professional. When it comes time to broadcast local sports CR-7 also works seamlessly. Most traffic and billing systems are compatible with CR-7, and our spot sets load with just a few mouse clicks.


Another great thing about the Pristine Control Room-7 system is its gentle learning curve. Even “non-computer people” can learn CR-7 quickly. We have part-time announcers who learn the system in less than an hour and, after a few shifts, become proficient at the tasks we ask them to do. If you can point and click, you can run this system.

Installation is simple, and your engineer will be able to talk with the company in advance if he has any questions. George, Kevin and the staff at Pristine Systems are easy to work with, accessible and know the CR-7 inside out.


There are some features on CR-7 we don’t use; a quick call will get you more information on voice-tracking, music scheduling, time scaling, time/temperature announce, remote control, background recording and a host of other useful tools that CR-7 has built into it.

In trying to keep this short and precise, we depend on the Pristine Control Room-7 system, and it hasn’t let us down. It’s always running 24/7, and checking to make sure everything ran as it was intended is easy with “audit log.”

While our employees are selling and producing commercials, tracking down news and sport stories or out doing remotes CR-7 is loading the spot sets, playing the commercials, background recording news and farm markets and making the station money.

For information, contact Kevin Loper at Pristine Systems in California at (310) 831-2334 or visit

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