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Radio Listening Healthy, RADAR Finds

Radio Listening Healthy, RADAR Finds

During a given week, radio reaches 224 million people, or 94 percent of everyone 12 and older.
That’s one of the statistics from Arbitron’s latest RADAR report, which measures radio network audiences. Specific results will be released next week.
Arbitron stated, “Radio retained its position as a mainstay medium over the past year, reaching all demographics in all locations, both in and out of home.”
Other numbers: Over the course of a typical week, radio reached 96 percent of adults 18+ who live in a household with an income of $75,000 or more.
“Ninety-six percent of college grads listened to radio as compared to only 92 percent of people who did not go to college. Eighty-one percent of adults 18+ listened to radio while in their cars.”
The study sample size has increased from 12,000 to 49,959 diarykeepers; the company plans to ramp it up to 70,000 by next year.
