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NAB Insider – March 02, 2004

NAB Insider – March 02, 2004

Feb 1, 2004 12:00 PM


  • Sam Donaldson and Michael Powell Face-off atNAB2004
  • Oprah Winfrey to Receive NAB Distinguished ServiceAward
  • Wheatstone Generation 8
  • DK-Audio PT0600M
  • Marantz PMD670
  • Broadcast Electronics Audiovault RBDS
  • Heil Sound PL-2T
  • Marti Electronics Cellcast
  • Omnia Audio Omnia-5EX HD
  • Tascam 2488 Portastudio
  • TM Century Short Bus Radio
  • Active Power Clean Source DC
  • Broadcast Engineering Conference
  • SBE Ennes Workshop
  • Radio RF and Transmission Developments
  • Amateur Radio Operators’ Reception
  • What to do After the Convention
  • Getting Around in Las Vegas

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News from theConvention

Oprah Winfrey to Receive NABDistinguished Service Award

NAB President and CEO Eddie Fritts will give the annualstate-of-the-industry address and Oprah Winfrey will receive the 2004Distinguished Service Award from the NAB during the All-IndustryOpening on Monday, April 19. Each year the award recognizesbroadcasters who have made significant and lasting contributions to thebroadcasting industry.

Sam Donaldson and Michael PowellFace-off at NAB2004

ABC News anchor and radio host Sam Donaldson will interview FCCchairman Michael Powell in a one-on-one setting for the FCC Chairman’sBreakfast on Tuesday April 20.

The Donaldson/Powell match-up has been a highlight of the convention inprevious years.

The FCC Chairman’s Breakfast is part of the 12th annual NAB Business,Law and Regulation Conference.

New Products from theFloor

Wheatstone Generation 8

Booth N2802

This control surface offers four faders dedicated specifically tocall-in segments to provide error-free interface to four callers orremotes, each with independent caller feed, independent faderfeed,user-selectable talkback communication and adjacent channellinking. A dedicated LCD display screen keeps the operator informed andin control. One CAT-5 wire conveys all the control from this surface toWheatstone’s Bridge System. Users can bring any system audio source(inputs or mixes) to any console fader or monitor pot (sourcevisibility software controlled). Set destinations for mixes, aux sendsand MXMs to anywhere in the facility.

DK-Audio PT0600M

Booth C3843

Sharing the same motherboard as the MSD600M++ surround sound meter,this unit combines the jellyfish surround display with a rotary controlknob on the front panel, enabling it to act as the master volumecontrol for speakers in stereo configurations. This product is builtinto a half-rack width package.

Active Power Clean Source DC

Booth C1217

This line of battery-free energy storage systems has been enhancedto include expanded power levels and incorporate several changes in theevolving product line. The new models provide tightly regulated,adjustable dc voltage to replace or augment batteries configured withuninterruptible power supply systems backing up critical applicationsin the 100kW to 2000kW power ranges. These systems are available withunit power ratings of 100, 140, 200, 250, 425 and 500kW, and can beparalleled in combinations up to 2000kW.

Broadcast Electronics AudiovaultRBDS

Booth N1902

A software-based management solution for advanced data services,this system includes data content management and encoding, and it canbe adopted for IBOC applications. A traffic announcement function ofthe system that allows a station to cause RBDS radios to pause alistener�s CD or cassette in favor of radio programming so thatthe listener will tune into a station�s traffic announcements.The system will also show the alternative frequency function of RBDSthat allows a listener driving out of a particular FM station�sgeographic reach to be automatically tuned to the station�ssecondary frequency in a nearby geographic region. The RBDS systemcomprises of content management, at the individual station via a localserver on the station LAN, or for multiple stations/clusters via acentral server.

Heil Sound PL-2T

Booth N2718

Using a system of balanced internal springs rather than outboardsprings, the PL-2 handles microphones up to 1.5 lbs. in weight.Threading the mic cable inside the boom is done by removing the top andback plates. The mic boom also features a hollow channel that themicrophone cable can be fed through so wire ties are not needed. Theequipment is shipped with the standard �C� clamp mount thatwill accept an 1.5� thick table. An optional flush mount isavailable which screws to the top of a surface. The unit accepts5/8� – 27 threaded mic clips or shock mounts. The chrome threadedstem can be locked into its position depending on the type ofmicrophone or shock mount.

Marti Electronics Cellcast

Booth N1902

This is a GSM compatible Digital Cellcast digital mixer and cellularremote unit. The GSM upgrade completes the remote unit�s localcompatibility with major cellular providers such as AT&T, T-Mobileand Cingular.

Omnia Audio Omnia-5EX HD

Booth N1416

Paired parallel processing paths,one optimized for conventionalbroadcasting, the other for DAB and HD Radio, webcasting and satellitesystems, route processed audio from the multiband mixer section todiscrete output stages. The FM section receives distortion-controlledfinal limiting with pre-emphasis, and an upper-frequency response of15kHz. The DAB/HD Radio section features Omnia’s program-adaptiveLook-Ahead limiter and user-selectable frequency response up to 20kHz.New processing algorithms provide clear processing for solo voices andinstruments. Bass Management controls, with two new Bass Limiterfunctions, Tight and Girth, allow users fine control over low frequencyprocessing. Dynamic Bass Limiter algorithms that change waveformcharacteristics based on frequency, resulting in deeper bass on smallerspeakers.

Tascam 2488 Portastudio

Booth N2418

This four-track, 24-bit, 36-channel workstation offers a capacioushard drive, powerful signal processing and built-in CD-RW drive. Therecording and mixing workstation runs 24 tracks at 24-bits/44.1kHz.Eight inputs can be simultaneously recorded into the XLR and W”inputs.Twenty physical faders control the mixdown channels; eachchannel has three-band EQ and access to three built-in effectsprocessors. A 40GB internal hard disk gives the user ample space for 20to 30 two 24-track songs and virtual tracks for comping. Plus the 2488has a USB 2.0 port for back-up via computer. Loop effect providesreverb, delay, chorus and more on an aux send and return.

TM Century Short Bus Radio is a sweeper/imaging service. It is available infive flavors, each market-exclusive: active alternative rock, classicrock, CHR, country and news/talk. More formats will be available in thefuture.

Marantz PMD670

Booth N3026

This solid-state recorder offers a one-touch digital audio recordingcapability of more than 70 hours on 1GB compact Flash cards. The unitcan record in linear PCM and compressed MP3, MP2 and BWF audio formatsusing 40 assignable audio quality settings. The recorder features anon-stop record function with four hours of battery life, and includesan EDL marking system for creating new files on the fly duringrecording, providing easy file selection during playback. The systemoffers variable bit-rate recording with user-adjustable sampling ratesfrom 16kHz to 48kHz.


Broadcast EngineeringConference

Each year, the NAB and SBE team up to offer the most concentratedbroadcast engineering education opportunity available. Each spring, theNAB convention hosts the Broadcast Engineering Conference (BEC), whichhas been the launching point for countless broadcast technologies andnew ideas. This year, the BEC offers a rich landscape of engineeringissues to explore.

While the convention floor doesn’t open until Monday, the technicalsessions begin Saturday. When planning your trip, be sure to arriveearly to participate in all the sessions.

SBE Ennes Workshop

This day-long session investigates the changing importance ofdigital technology and IT infrastructure in the broadcast environment.Topics will include an overview of IT systems and storage andmanagement of digital media, as well as offer details of recentprojects at ESPN, Turner and Clear Channel.

The SBE Ennes Workshop will be held on Saturday, April 17 from 8:30a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Radio RF and TransmissionDevelopments

On April 20 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Marty Hadfield, VP ofengineering for Entercom, will lead this session that will investigatethe latest activity in RF for radio. The session’s agendafollows.

  • 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.: Linearity Performance Measurements in ModernAM Transmitters and the Relationship to HD-Radio and DRMPerformance
    Phil Schmitt of Harris will discuss how modern digital transmissionwaveforms demand a linear and consistent transmission path for both theenvelope and RF paths in envelope elimination and restorationmodulation techniques.
  • 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.: IBOC RF Measurements
    David Maxson of will discuss the future of RF measurementsfor radio broadcasting.
  • 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.: Evaluation and Improvement of AM AntennaCharacteristics for Optimal Digital
    Ronald Rackley of du Treil, Lundin and Rackley will discuss the highdemands on AM antenna system bandwidth. Actual test results of IBOCstations will be compared with their observed on-the-air signalquality.
  • 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Design and Field Results for theUtilization of Circulators in High-Power Broadcast TransmissionSystems
    Jim Stenberg from Dielectric Communications will detail the use ofcirculators in analog and digital FM signal combining.
  • 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.: HD Radio FM Broadcast Coverage-What toExpect
    Mike Bergman from Kenwood will discuss the results from extensive fieldtesting of FM IBOC and Tomorrow Radio during 2003.
  • 11:30 a.m. to 12 noon: The EH Antenna
    Ted Hart of EH Antenna Systems will explain the inner workings of theEH antenna.


Amateur Radio Operators’Reception

One of the most popular events at the convention will be held onWednesday, April 21, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The reception drawsbroadcasters from all geographic areas and interests. Where else canCEO a comfortably mingle with a shop technician? The event will featureDJ All Night Mike and door prizes. The event is sponsored by HeilSound.

Out and About in LasVegas

What to do After the Convention

While Las Vegas is known for the casinos, lavish hotels and stageshows, there are other activities if you have some time.

Located in the Toiyabe National Forest, Mt. Charlestonis nearly 12,000 feet tall. A distinct departure from the aridlandscape of Las Vegas, the area has an average temperature that isabout 20 degrees cooler. Northwest of Las Veags by about 25 miles, Mt.Charleston has ski runs during snow season, campgrounds and hikingtrails. Activities include hiking, biking, camping and horsebackriding. Entry to the park is free.

Located 15 minutes off the strip, the Las Vegas Mini Gran Prix has thelongest go-kart track in the state. An electronic, 10-position timingboard compares lap times to establish bragging rights. The track isopen from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily and until 11 p.m. Friday andSaturday. The track is located at 1401 N. Rainbow Blvd.

Located 17 miles west of the Strip on Mount Charleston Blvd., Red RockCanyon receives nearly 1.2 million visitors every year. Anever-changing panorama of multi-colored hills marks this naturalwonder. As the sun moves across the sky, the light changes, and so toodo the colors of Red Rock Canyon. View petrified sand dunes, waterfallsand red-tailed hawks circling above. The 197,000 acre area provides a13-mile scenic drive, more than 30 miles of hiking trails, picnicareas, and a visitors center with exhibit rooms and a book store.

Getting Around in LasVegas

You may have noticed that construction of a monorail system hadbegun at NAB2003. The Las Vegas Monorail is due to begin service thismonth, which means it will be fully ready for the NAB conventioncrowd.

The Monorail runs from the MGM to the Hilton along a route that followsthe Strip and then cuts over to Paradise Road. There are Monorail stopsat many of the main hotels and the Las Vegas Convention Center.

This should provide a faster route than the convention shuttle busesand taxis. A single trip costs $3 with discounts for multiple-ridetickets.
