Alaska’s Tanana Valley Television and Radio says it has chosen GatesAir to provide over-the-air transmitters, IP networking systems and on-air studio consoles for its local and remote broadcast facilities.
The broadcaster chose a GatesAir Flexiva FAX air-cooled FM radio transmitter for KNLT(FM) in Palmer, Alaska. The station was initially greated a Class 1 license at 1kW, and Tanana opted for the Flexiva solid-state transmitter and antenna, RF, EAS, cooling, electrical and studio-to-transmitter support gear, which was installed in a weather-insulated outdoor enclosure with custom racks. The buildout also featured a GatesAir Intraplex IP Link codec feeding program audio and data to the transmitter site from Fairbanks, Alaska.
When KNLT(FM) got the OK to upgrade to 10 kW, the station added a higher power Flexiva FAX air-cooled transmitter, with a GatesAir FAX exciter and a built-in Optimod for audio processing. Additionally, the local studio in Palmer also added GatesAir Oasis audio console with additional IP Link codecs, enabling the station to switch between local programming and feeds from Fairbanks.
Tanana Valley technicians are able to perform some routine maintenance remotely, eliminately the need for some 300 mile trips. Another advantage according to Director of Engineering Thomas Bohnet, is that the GatesAir products’ energy efficiency and reduced power consumption have delivered monetary and labor savings for Tanana Valley.