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APRE is Street-Legal

Non-com engineers chose new association leaders.

The Association of Public Radio Engineers is now official; the group has incorporated as a non-profit organization. Its purpose is education and outreach for non-commercial radio engineers.

Here in Austin, I was able to observe APRE’s first board meeting since its incorporation. The group established committee chairs during the meeting.

The APRE board named Dan Mansergh, KQED(FM), San Francisco, as vice-chair and Jan Andrews, NPR Labs, as treasurer. Ralph Hogan, KJZZ/KBAQ, Tempe, Ariz., who has been president of the group, remains in that capacity.

APRE named standing committee chairs: Mansergh, education and outreach; Rich Parker, Vermont Public Radio, Public Radio Engineering Conference planning; and board development, Roger Carroll, WWNO(FM), New Orleans.

Additional committee chairs are: awards, Gordon Carter, WFMT(FM), Chicago; scholarship, Parker; membership, Paxton Durham, WVTF(FM), Roanoke, Va.; and strategic planning, Bruce Wahl, NPR.

Still up for debate is defining membership classes and dues amounts.

Sorry. No data so far.
