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Audio/Video Over IP Seminar at ABA Convention

Engineers attending the 2014 Alabama Broadcasters Association Conference will have the opportunity to attend a series of sessions united behind the “Audio and Video Over IP” theme, Aug. 16, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. The cost is $30 and lunch is provided.

In an announcement, the ABA said, “IP is no longer just for email and spread sheets. Audio and video signals are just as happy traveling along on the same network as the other data.”

On the agenda:
● Chris Crump, Comrex, will discuss the correct way to use IP for remote pickups
● Raymond Simmons, TVU Networks, reviews “Bonded Cellular for IP Television Remotes”
● Jay Tyler, Wheatstone, will cover the advantages of moving audio around the studio in the IP world
● Ted Nahil, GatesAir, explains getting the signal to the transmitter using IP STL systems

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